"A few months ago we picked up The Fart Party at our favorite comic bookstore Vault of Midnight here in Ann Arbor. Okay, we'll admit it. We picked it up based on the title. It's funny. It got our attention. We took it home and read it in one night. Then we gave it to other people we knew. Teens. Tweens. People we don't really like. People we like a lot. The verdict was unanimous: everyone loved it. Even people we formerly thought were assholes.(This caused us to rethink our opinions of said people.) So we googled The Fart Party author Julia Wertz and messaged her on Myspace. We wanted her to know how much we loved her book, and, of course, by extension: her. We were also hoping she might have something for Hobart. The funny thing was, she'd actually heard of Hobart. It turns out one of the Hobart web editors (and good friend) Jensen Whelan was her brother's best friend growing up!! So he'd told Julia about Hobart. Maybe sent her an issue. I forget now. But that part's not important. What is important is Julia's coming here to Ann Arbor in May! So is Jensen! As are these people:
-Mary Miller
-Blake Butler
-Sam Pink
-Matthew Simmons
They're all coming to read for Hobart, along with these local authors:
-Matt Bell
-Barry Graham
-Mike Alber
-Davy fucking Rothbart!
You should come, too.
May 15-17th.
Readings at Vault of Midnight (on the 16th with Wertz & Rothbart) and a as-yet-undisclosed-location (on either the 15th or 17th). And after the Vault reading we're all going to head a couple of blocks over to a Found Magazine event with Davy. It's gonna be rad. You'll wish you'd come. Oh, Colson Whitehead's gonna be in town, too, for the annual Ann Arbor Book Festival, but if you're with us, you probably won't see him. Still, we thought you should know."
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