Monday, March 31, 2008

CAUSE & EFFECT - ben biesek

Check out this interview with Ben Biesek, editor of Cause & Effect Magazine, a monthly journal dedicated to promoting literature and art. Here's a piece from the interview, a good summation of C & E's intent:

" Part of my agenda is to provoke a reaction, to inspire thought. I’m interested in printing work that is provocative or unusual, but which also says something meaningful. Some of the content can be a bit edgy or incendiary, but that’s what I gravitate towards; I’m not going to censor my zine, or myself, for better or for worse. The words and images in C&E tackle love, sex, drugs, drink, relationships, parenthood, death, birth, philosophy, psychology, aesthetics, art, and more. Ultimately, I want to document the human condition, as told by poets and academics and artists and everyday people. I feel that there’s a shift that’s taking place. I can’t deny this shift, we can’t deny that it’s taking place. It’s here, it’s happening now. Artwork and literature are caught up in this shift. The future is now. This shift is upon us—it’s exhilarating to be a part of it. Because we are, I am, you are, part of it. "

Read entire interview
conducted by Aleathia Drehmer
The Guild of Outside Writers



Aleathia Drehmer said...

Thanks for the write up Barry. Very nice of you to do so.


Ana Maria said...

Hello, congratulations to the site, for the little that is already incredible, contains a lot of valuable information.

Renato Faleiro said...

Hi, there was never anything about it, congratulations on the article ...

Very good indeed.

Success to you.